Violet Orbs- A Yugi shrine

Violet orbs- A Yugi fansite.

Hello all! I'm Kt. This is my first website. This site is gonna be mostly a Yugi fansite (hence the name) but since The kaiba brothers are my second favorite charactors, they will have a little recignition too! Please explore, and rember to sign my guest book! ^_~

Current Updates
8-2-03 I have a new site, check it out. I've added it to the links section. I also added more quizes.

6-10-03 It's offical, I have no life. It's 12:10 am. Anyway, I added fanfic and fanart pages, and a little about Mokuba Kaiba. Please send fanfics, fan art, or just pictures to Don't you wanna make me happy by sending me an email?
4-18-03 Okay, I did a little with the "learn Japnese" section, and I added a few graphis. Oh! I also changed the layout and added a links page! ^_^
4-17-03 Hi! This is my first site, and so it's not that good yet! -.-; Just look arond for a bit, and have fun!

I've added a quiz page!

awww! Kawaii, ne?
Wanna help me make my site better? Email me!