Why page

Why Yugi?

Why should I pick Yugi out of all the boys on Yu-gi-oh? Cuz he's so cute! Plus, he's friendly. I'm probally going overboard, making yet another site for Yugi, but oh well. ^^;

Why the Kiaba Brothers?
Hmmm... good question. You either love or hate Seto, there's no gray area. I love him! ^_^ Mokuba, his little brother, is just so kawaii!!! You gotta luv him! He talks using such big words. Almost like seto. lol ^_^

About me!
I'm a girl, My name is Caitlin, and I'm in a school (which is more like a mental instute). That's all you need to know! ^_~

My IM is MysticalElfRocks
Email- k8trocks@optonline.net